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That's pretty genius. The frantic key-mashing as you desperately crawl towards the next puddle got tense at times, not gonna lie. Sub(s)lime use of music and colour shifting to create the drying up effect and an overall clever implementation of one of the optional themes! I'll try again when my forearm has recovered.


Congratulations on making this game ! I've played your game during a live that you can watch here :

The live is timestamped so you can go directly to your game.

Thank you for being here during the live btw. I hope the feedback and live reactions will be useful. Keep it up !


Wow, what an impressive game! Really clever use of the theme, too. The dynamic music and the way the slug starts to white-out are pretty cool. Glad I stuck with it!


very good ending and game


It has a slug in it. Which is pretty cool. I won't spoil the ending but at the end it's a really good fun thing so make sure you get all the way to the end. The slug is cool I hope you make more games with the slug in it.